First get an idea. That’s sensible. With this trial offer, I want to slowly introduce you to the topics of BDSM. What is a Sub, what is a Slave and what is a Masochist? I will accompany you into this world of Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadomasochism and Masochism. From the outside these topics seem to be very bizarre. The picture is often shaped by stereotypes such as leather clothes, whips and people who are led on a leash like dogs. Of course, extremes are often used in such depictions. But that is not the case. BDSM is warm, sensitive, fulfilling, loving and honoring. I practice this type of BDSM. And I would be happy to let you have a taste: online in video sessions or locally in my SubWelt house.
Trying things is a good thing: you don’t commit to anything and you can experience being a Sub without having to enter into a relationship right away. You specify a few things in our preliminary conversation: will you be dressed or naked? – Will there be sexual acts or not?
Some people also like to try things to get to know me first. I think that’s nice. You can approach me slowly and, as a beginner or just interested, live you secret fantasies.
BDSM consists of many terms that can sometimes be confusing. But it’s not that difficult. First of all, there is of course the difference between who is a Dom (dominant) and who is a Sub (submissive). The terms Top and Bottom also apply here. A Sub submits to the Dom, as does the Bottom to her Top. In the game (a BDSM session), the Sub handles over power to her Dom. This goes as far as handing over ownership. The Dom can theoretically do whatever he wants with his Sub. However, there are stop words (Save Words), that allow the Sub to control the session. And here is the difference to Slaves. Slaves experience the same things as Subs, but they have completely given up ownership of themselves and do not use stop words. In the game with the SubWelt here, there will always be stop words, even if you sign up for Slave Training.
Then there are the Sadist and the Masochist. A Sadist enjoys inflicting pain on his Sub and the masochistic Sub wants that too. Here in the SubWelt we only ever go as far as pleasurable pain. The border between pleasurable pain and pain is different for everyone. Let’s find out in our discussion what excites you and what just hurts.
During your trial session, you will expierience to be tied up. Depending on your mobility, you will be tied up in easy or more complicated positions. You will be tied up primarily with ropes. This has an advantage to cuffs: the blood circulation of e.g. your hands can be provided at all time. You are always safe during the games: full attention is paid to you, your reactions and your well-being, both emotionally and physically. Why do you have to be tied up? – During the trial session, the purpose of bondage is to experience to no longer have control. This naturally takes place in your head, and the bondage makes this possible.
Impact play can follow the bondage part. This can be light impacts with sex toys or medium impacts with feathers and pinwheels, right up to harder action such as spanking and whipping. During the trial session, we go as far as it is okay for you. I lead you emotionally: giving up control, handling over ownership of your body and sexuality, opens a wide field of freedom. This freedom is your private space in which you can be completely yourself. Let yourself fall into the ropes!
I am a Dom who considers a lot about my BDSM sessions, before and after them. I also write my own choreographies for every session. This is particularly useful for your trial time. During the conversation I may hear that you want to let go control, give up all your responsibility and experience a moment of inner freedom. The elements I hear in our conversation flow directly into the planning. What BDSM utensils do I need, what small food could prepare in the kitchen, how will I play with you? A session never envolves being according to plan. The freedom to improvise is part of the Art of a Dom. Not losing the thread and offering you an unforgettable adventure gives me with joy and pride.
Plan: Restraints with light play and try to move towards impact play
The following is a more detailed choreography so that you can have an idea for your trial session. This includes intercourse, which may also be desired. The Dom side is described. If you want to be surprised about your session, perhaps read less. This is how I proceed in a session.
Cozy atmosphere. Tea. Blanket, warm. Then: “Please stand up and close your eyes” – undress upper body. Slow, touching, warm, honoring. Tie hands behind the back with cuffs.
Sensory play with fingers over the back and shoulders. Skip the nipples. Stomach, face.
Release the cuffs and attach them to the bar hooks at buttocks height with a snap hook. First prepare one hand, then the other in traction bondage. Gently pull the arms up, not completely stretched, but able to be pulled. Start of chest bondage, whole upper body. Touch the breasts with the arms while tying, this time “accidentally” also the nipples. A kiss sweetens the moment.
Strip the lower body. Completely. Attach the spreader bar with cuffs.
Softly move your hands around her body. Find trusting devotion. Then move between her legs and pause. She can no longer defend herself. Her arms are tied up, her legs are spread. She is at her mercy. I whisper in her ear: “Now you belong to me.”
Depending on how aroused she already is, leave her standing. Approach with feathers, again gently on the back, stomach, neck, legs. Then again touchings with warm hands. Leave your hands on the breasts. Then pinch slightly and play down the stomach. Skip the sensitive zone. Gently kiss the back and neck. Run your hands down her arms, slowly, do not tickle. Kiss the back from top to bottom with your mouth, hold the legs, kiss the bottom. Test her arousement between her legs. Back to the front: kiss the neck, kiss and pamper the breasts and nipples with your mouth. Down the stomach. But skip between the legs. Back up, put clamps around the nipples. Test the reaction. Only leave the clamps on for a short time. Use the pinwheel gently over the whole body. Suggest going between the legs.
“Your body will be taken hard.” – Pull your arms up on the ropes. Run them through her legs from behind and lift them on the lower elbow and pull them back. Spread your legs further. Put your buttocks against hers. Take off your shirt. Let her feel my warm upper body. Pull her butt further back. Run your hand through. Run your tongue through. Arouse, but only indirectly.
“Your excitement belongs to me, your body follows my hands.” Use dildos, switch to vibrators. Use fingers over labia, apply light pressure. Hold a vibrator in your hand that vibrates with it. Put the whole warm palm between her legs, insert a small vibrator, let it rise slowly. Leave one hand over her anus, the other up to her mouth. Use fingers around her mouth until she takes them in. Slow penetration movements. Then use wet fingers down onto labia. Kiss anus from behind, fingers remain on labia, turn up the vibrator. As soon as her body lets itself fall, use your fingers to release the vibrator and bring her to orgasm.
Release her arms from the blanket loops and tie them behind her back. Remove the spreader bar. With your hand between her legs, gently bend her over the table. Blanket underneath, pelvic support. Tie her legs spread to the table legs. Express passively: “You will be whipped and then taken” – This lets her know what is coming and increases the anticipation. She has to endure even longer until she is finally taken as a woman. Press her bound upper body onto the table with one hand. Pinch her bottom with the other hand. Stimulate blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue. Then lightly spank, then increase in waves. In between, stroke her vagina and anus with your fingers.
Wipe her bottom with the whip. She feels what is coming. Make her wait a long time. Start gently again, don’t make impacts that are too heavy. Whip gently, but for a long time. Use the whip softly between her legs again and again. Massage her thighs, then gently stroke them with the whip. Use your lower body repeatedly on her bottom so that she doesn’t forget what is coming. Finger penetrations, slowly but still for a long time. Then squirting with the G-spot. Then whip again so that the whole sexuality is handed over.
Unlock the leg cuffs, lead her across the room. Bend her over the arm of the sofa. Leave the blindfold on. Grab her by the chest cuffs behind her back. Put on a condom. Let her feel the cock on her bottom. Spank her bottom again with the cock. Insert without a word. Slow penetration with pulling from the back cuffs. She has to be half upright. Breasts don’t touch the sofa. Taken while standing and having to help hold her up.
Change of position. Maneuver her onto the sofa, hands still tied behind her back. Push legs high over her head. Take her from the front. Let her squirt again. Then on her knees. Change the condom. In her excitement, hold the cock in her face. She takes the cock. She should feel me coming.
Gently help her getting up again, loosen the chest and arm restraints. The blindfold stays on. Then put her on the sofa and cover her up. Lie next to her, naked. Cover us with a blanket. Then take off the blindfold and kiss. Stay lying down. If she falls asleep, go to the kitchen at some point and prepare the raclette. The smell will wake her up. End the session with her arms around her. Treat the welts with aloe. Start a conversation while massaging her limbs.
Everything starts with a conversation via WhatsApp. This can be with or without video. Please just get in touch. Don’t worry, your number will never be used for anything else. It’s always you who contacts me first. The SubWelt will never contact on its own. Let’s write or talk.
You can also bring a female friend with you to your trial session if you prefer not to come alone.
Enjoy your hours or days in my accompany or as my house guest. The longer you book, the more discount is available.
See my calendar: where there is an entry on a day, no further bookings are possible. It happens, somebody cancels an event: I can inform you via WhatsApp as soon as there are available dates.